How can I stay safe?

Safety on the road

  • When you are doing outdoor activities choose colourful and bright clothes, since these are more noticeable to drivers.
  • Always wear a helmet, kneepads and elbow pads when you ride your bike or use your skateboard. If possible use the cycle routes or choose parks or areas with no traffic.
  • If you are in the car, always wear a seat belt (both in the back and front seats), even when it is just a short ride. Always remind your parents and the people you are with about the importance of using a seat belt. It is illegal not to wear a seatbelt.


Seguro na Estrada
  • If you are on foot, always walk on the pavement. The road is for cars and other vehicles.
  • If there is a zebra crossing always use it if you need to cross the road. Wait on the pavement until the road is free from cars and look both ways before you cross. If the road has crossing lights wait until the light is green for crossing.
